Stories of Hope

More Memories

Terry is now a part of my life

In April 1980, I was working hard at my first career job, working long hours, and traveling two streetcars, and two buses to return at night to my apartment. I made sure to arrive home by 11pm in order to catch Harvey Kirck and Lloyd Robertson on CTV news. They had begun to include a nightly news piece on a handsome young man, a year younger than me, who was running across the country. Terry Fox was a magnet – I was drawn into his story and have never left it. I have always been a glass half full person and admired Terry for his convictions and dream. I always wondered where he got the strength to complete the training, and ultimate Marathon of Hope for 143 days in that hot summer of 1980.

My life has been enriched by my attention to Terry and his story. I found my niche in being involved in the Stouffville Terry Fox Run for 26 years. Met great people and together we made a difference in cancer research. While I have stepped aside for a younger team to lead the charge, my husband and I continue to volunteer and will be forever grateful for aligning myself with such a wonderful story and incredible Canadian in 1980.

Sandy Schell Kennedy